Archive for the ‘Media’ Category

Double Standard Alive and Well –

13 September 08

Consider the way Conservative talk show hosts were treated by the libs at the Democratic Nation Convention. They were bluntly told that they could expect no co-operation from the DNC and that their access to libs for interviews would be severely restricted.

Contrast the way the liberal media was treated at the Republican Convention. Full co-operation and they were treated quite well.

Consider the crucifixion of Sarah Palin. The media has put her private life under a microscope. They have not examined her on the issues but have gone exhaustively into her family life. The very libs that are all for “women’s rights” have hammered on her being a working mother. The very libs that want abortion on demand with no parental notification for minors are flaying Sarah Palin because her daughter is pregnant (and going to bear the child). The very libs that do not want our dui laws to apply to illegals and do not want child molester’s records to be public are making a big deal about Palin’s husband having ONE dui 22 years back.

Sarah Palin is constantly hammered as “inexperienced”. Bull – she has more executive experience than the entire Democrat ticket. The tough questions have never been put to Obama – who is qualified for nothing. Palin will be extensively grilled. There will be a microscope applied to Sarah Palin’s firing of Walter Monegan (so-called Troopergate). That’s not a problem – if reported fairly. Monegan was corrupt and incompetent. But where is the scrutiny of Biden – who is crooked as a dog’s hind leg? It is well known that Biden’s vote and influence are for sale. Where is the news scrutiny of the relationship of Hunter Biden to Joe Biden’s votes? Check it out – it’s for real. But I don’t see the lefty newsies pursuing what I consider a real and relevant story. Where is the grilling of Obama’s socialism – which is clearly contrary to the Founding Father’s intentions for this country – and which cannot be shown to have worked successfully anywhere on this planet. Where is the grilling of Obama for his stated intention to tax the people of this country heavily and send the money to other countries because we are “citizens of the world”.

Now the latest in double standards. A book about Aisha (sometime Ayisha), the child-bride of Mohammed, was cancelled by Random House at the behest of a Texas University Professor type – Denise Spellberg. Want to guess which way an academic type leans? Part of Spellberg’s response is “I don’t have a problem with historical fiction. I do have a problem with the deliberate misinterpretation of history. You can’t play with a sacred history and turn it into soft core pornography.” Why is it that the nastiness portrayed in The Last Temptation of Christ arouses no such reaction? Indeed – if you will think about it the only reaction I can remember from the left was that The Last Temptation of Christ was a wonderful thing covered under freedom of speech. Why is it that The Jewel of Medina is to be restricted? Yeah, it is fiction. Yeah, it is not completely accurate. The book has Aisha 14 – she was in fact 6 when Mohammed married her. The tale that is recorded as Moslem sacred history is that she lost her hair immediately and Mohammed did not consummate the marriage until she was 9. Marrying a 6 y.o. and sex with a 9 y.o. is still perversion and pedophilia any way you dress it. Why is it OK to “play with a sacred history and turn it into soft core pornography” if the story is about Christ and not OK to even come close to the truth about Mohammed? Why is The DaVinci Code OK and I am a religious bigot if I react negatively to that? Why are we supposed to be sensitive to Moslems and not to Christians? Random House was warned that the lives of their employees would probably be at risk if the book were published. Where is the outrage of the left? If a group of Christians were to riot and/or murder someone for perceived disrespect the left would be howling for blood. When Moslems riot and murder we are told that we need to be sensitive and respectful.

I don’t mind evenly applied criticism – but the standards need to be applied to all equally.

News media lies –

8 June 08

That’s not conjecture. I know it for a fact. My youngest son works for a Federal agency. Fairly high middle management or bottomside upper management, chose your favorite wording. Also one of my godsons works there. When Katrina hit, the youngest was on the ground in New Orleans that Sunday night. That’s the night before the worst hit. My godson was on the ground that Monday night that it did hit.

Both tell the same story. The youngest had set up one of the Federal supply depots and was ready to assist. It is not lawful for Federal intervention to take place without local permission. This was denied. He had to watch people die that could have been saved if the Louisiana and New Orleans authorities had not declined aid. It was never reported that way. The press was and is too busy trying to sandbag an administration that they hate way down on the gut level.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not a Bush supporter. I think that at best he has been a mediocre president. But, newsies should not lie. If they hate Bush, editorialize till the cows come home. On the editorial pages. But put facts on the news pages. Not lies. Either by commission or omission.

The next time that you hear that there was no Federal response, know it for the lie that it is. Know that it was the locals that bitched the whole thing up and let people die unnecessarily. Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco bear far more culpability than do the feds. Race played no part. Local stupidity and corruption are the main villains.

Herself Sez: Why post this here now? Lemme tell you. Local stupidity and corruption will be major players in the current election – not to mention media stupidity and short-sightedness.

Believe me – there was more, MUCH more, going on than the media ever told. And it won’t come out until GWB and some of his high officials write their autobios 10 years from now.

Standards is standards – –

18 March 08

Lately, with the hoo-raw over Barack Obama’s longtime pastor, I’m hearing this business of “Well, in the black community…” and a bunch of excuses about why this church, this preacher, and Obama should not be held to the same standards as anyone else. “It’s customary in the black community to…”.Look here, indeed a preacher can say pretty much whatever he wants to. However – while the various Aryan Nation, Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist groups can and do have their churches where hatred of others is preached, they are condemned not only all mainline Christians but also by all the liberals. I don’t know of anyone who would excuse the stupidity and hatred of these groups with a no-brain statement of “Well, in the white community this is just the custom…”

Now, this is proper and good. These white supremacist hate groups should be condemned. Why is it that instead of condemning black groups that preach hate the liberals start in with this “Well, in the black community…” bunch of excuses.

Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Should we not hold all people to the same standards? Did we not learn anything from the Jim Crow era? The evil of Jim Crow was not that black people were persecuted. That was a symptom. The underlying evil was that there were different standards for different groups. The civil rights movement was not about giving black people a different set of rights and standards, but to put in a level playing field so that all people had the same rights and standards.

The kicker that really fries me is the excuse that “well, this guy (Jeremiah Wright) has done a lot of good in the black community”. The standards of bad and wrong behavior do not change just because the perpetrator has also done a little bit of good. Let us point out that post WWI Germany was in terrible shape. The economy was wrecked, the people were defeated, broke, unemployed, hungry, despondent. Adolph Hitler got the economy of Germany going and eliminated hunger. His stirring speeches inspired and uplifted the people and restored a sense of nation unity and pride. Does any of this excuse the evil of the man? Does the fact that he gave the people hope excuse the hatred of his speeches?

Why is it that the libs want different moral standards for various minority groups? And even that is not consistent. Why are there different standards for blacks? And not for Greeks? Why are there not the same moral standards for all people, no matter what race, sex, gender, or whatever? Why do the liberals support different standards for Moslems?

The other thing that I find amusing is the press letting Obama get away with the ignorance position. After following this nut for 20 years Obama says that he never heard any of this stuff from the pew. Maybe he was asleep.

I can’t say that, we don’t have pews. But I can tell you that I have been a Christian for almost 40 years and within a month or two (or less) I would pretty well know where a priest stood on any issue. Am I that much more intelligent or awake than Obama? I don’t think so. I’ll bet you that he knew all along exactly where this fella’ stands. The libs and the liberal press have fallen all over themselves to embrace Obama and have not vetted him at all. Looks like their pig in the poke may bite them in the butt.

If the American people do not wake up real soon then there will not be a country to worry about.